Politics can be broadly defined as a set of activities related to power relations such as the distribution of resources or status among individuals by making decisions by the regime.
But politics in Sri Lanka has a different meaning.
As a group of activities related to the sharing of resources and situations among the management group by taking planned decisions.
So the politics in Sri Lanka is beyond the status quo. That is not political but Kalatipol.
Even if the vile rulers who have mastered the game of kalatipol have deceived the controlled class and appropriated the property of the country.
Religion is for spiritual development. But in Sri Lanka, religion is for dividing the people.
A nation is often built on diversity of language and religion. But Sri Lankans believe that it is a genetic division. It is also a division of people.
This caste-religion division is a subtle game of the ruling class. Because people can steal secretly when they fight each other.
Knowing the secret of Kalatipol game, the intelligent people objected saying that this is the nakedness of the ruler. But some of the controlled fools who have fallen in love with the rulers and worship their garbage bins are maddened by these manifestations.
The ruling party has security forces in Sri Lanka. The salaried army and police are government employees. Most of them are middle class people who barely survive. The ruler catched them in a financial trap. Either job. Or the family will starve. But they also represent the oppressed controlled society. Even so, subject to the direct orders of the ruler.
Making a war among the struggling people and the officer people who took up arms is a trump card in the ruler's final stage. By provoking the struggelers towards the officers, The struggelers who did not take arms will surely be killed.
Desecration of religions and ethnic groups is no longer successful. Therefore, to make the ruler's game easier, another social segmentation should be done. And true teeth should be destroyed in the fight against the controlled ones.
On the one hand the ruler wields tools to destroy the strugglers by social fragmentation. On the other hand, some people who worship trash cans in search of indulgences engage in a frenzy.
Dear friends,
The struggle is with the Kalatipol players.
No longer should you divide. Officials, we, the blind devout garbage collectors, are members of one common group.
We must open the eyes of those who are blind without seeing the facts and understand the situation of the officers.
The consequences of fragmentation can be severe.
Race, religion, occupation or conscious ignorance are merely social matters. Don't make it a point of division.
In order to create a controlled group of people who know politics aside from Kalatipol.
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